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satthick() computes the saturated thickness of the aquifer from an aem object at the given x and y coordinates.


satthick(aem, x, y, as.grid = FALSE, ...)



aem object.


numeric x coordinates to evaluate at.


numeric y coordinates to evaluate at.


logical, should a matrix be returned? Defaults to FALSE. See details.


additional arguments passed to heads() when aem$type = 'variable'.


A vector of length(x) (equal to length(y)) with the saturated thicknesses at x and y. If as.grid = TRUE, a matrix of dimensions c(length(y), length(x)) described by marginal vectors x and y containing the saturated thicknesses at the grid points.


If the aquifer is confined at x and y, the saturated thickness equals the aquifer thickness. For flow with variable saturated thickness (aem$type = 'variable'), if the aquifer is unconfined at x and y, the saturated thickness is calculated as the hydraulic head at x and y minus the aquifer base.


uf <- uniformflow(100, 0.001, 0)
rf <- constant(-1000, 0, 11)
m <- aem(k = 10, top = 10, base = 0, n = 0.2, uf, rf, type = 'confined')

satthick(m, x = c(-200, 0, 200), y = 0) # confined
#> [1] 10 10 10
s <- satthick(m, x = seq(-500, 500, length = 100),
              y = seq(-250, 250, length = 100), as.grid = TRUE)
#>  num [1:100, 1:100] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...

mv <- aem(k = 10, top = 10, base = 0, n = 0.2, uf, rf, type = 'variable')
satthick(mv, x = c(-200, 0, 200), y = 0) # variable
#> [1] 10.000000 10.000000  9.797959