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element_discharge() obtains the computed discharge into or out of the aquifer for a individual analytic element or all elements of a given type.


element_discharge(aem, name = NULL, type = NULL, ...)



aem object.


character vector with the name of the element(s) as available in aem$elements.


character with the type (class) of element to obtain the summed discharge from. See details.




A numeric named vector of length length(name) with the discharge into (negative) or out of (positive) the aquifer. If type is specified, a single named numeric value with the total discharge into (negative) or out of (positive) the aquifer which is the sum of all individual elements of class type.


Either name or type should be specified. If type is specified, only one type is allowed. Possible values are 'headwell', 'well', 'linesink', 'headlinesink', 'areasink' or 'headareasink'.

Only elements that add or remove water from the aquifer will return a non-zero discharge value.


k <- 10
top <- 10
base <- 0
n <- 0.2
TR <- k * (top - base)

rf <- constant(xc = -500, yc = 0, h = 20)
uf <- uniformflow(gradient = 0.002, angle = -45, TR = TR)
w1 <- well(xw = 50, yw = 0, Q = 200)
w2 <- well(xw = 0, yw = 100, Q = 400)
hw <- headwell(xw = -100, yw = 0, hc = 7.5)
hls <- headlinesink(x0 = -200, y0 = -150, x1 = 200, y1 = 150, hc = 8)
as <- areasink(xc = 0, yc = 0, N = 0.0005, R = 500)
m <- aem(k, top, base, n, rf, uf, w1, w2, hw, hls, as)

element_discharge(m, name = c('hls', 'as'))
#>       hls        as 
#> 3301.0721 -392.6991 
element_discharge(m, type = 'well')
#> well 
#>  600 

# zero discharge for uniform flow element as it does not add or remove water
element_discharge(m, name = 'uf')
#> uf 
#>  0