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add_element() adds a new element to an aem object.

remove_element() removes an element from an aem object based on its name or type.


add_element(aem, element, name = NULL, solve = FALSE, ...)

remove_element(aem, name = NULL, type = NULL, solve = FALSE, ...)



aem object.


analytic element of class element.


optional name of the element as character. Duplicate element names in aem are not allowed..


logical, should the model be solved after adding or removing the element? Defaults to FALSE.




class of the element(s) to remove. Either name or type should be specified in remove_element().


The aem model with the addition of element or with the removal of element(s). If solve = TRUE, the model is solved using solve.aem(). The name of the new element is taken from the name argument, the object name or set to element_1 with 1 being the index of the new element in the element list. See examples.

See also


m <- aem(k = 10, top = 10, base = 0, n = 0.2)
mnew <- add_element(m, constant(xc = 0, yc = 1000, hc = 12), name = 'rf')

# if name not supplied, tries to obtain it from object name
rf <- constant(xc = 0, yc = 1000, hc = 12)
mnew <- add_element(m, rf)

# or else sets it sequentially from number of elements
mnew <- add_element(m, constant(xc = 0, yc = 1000, hc = 12))

# add_element() adn remove_element() are pipe-friendly
mnew <- aem(k = 10, top = 10, base = 0, n = 0.2) |>
    add_element(rf, name = 'rf') |>
    add_element(headwell(xw = 0, yw = 100, rw = 0.3, hc = 8),
                name = 'headwell', solve = TRUE)

# removing elements
mnew <- remove_element(mnew, name = 'rf')
mnew <- remove_element(mnew, type = 'headwell')